Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mellow Marshy Mallows of Mystery

So I decided to make my first attempt at marshmallows in time for a Independence Day bonfire. I thought I would rush them, but there is no rushing the mello mallow. I say mystery because it does seem that it's a bit of a mystery that such a thing can come out of the humble farm kitchen. Though how humble a kitchen with a Kitchenaide mixer is, is debatable, I shall maintain my humility and questionable grammar and punctuation.

 So my gooey gob of mallow-ness is curing for day two after reclining in the fridge overnight, were I thought the cool air would speed up the alchemical process. I consider it nothing short of a miracle that I was able to coax it from the pan without it falling to pieces (insert Patsy Cline music). The fluffy mass was gooey around the edges when I loosened it from the pan so I don't think it's ready to cut up yet. Sigh. Here is day two picture, notice my lovely wall hanging in the background, pattern soon to appear on my etsy shop.